
Ruchi Wali

for Pickering-Brooklin MP

Family, Faith and Freedom!

About Ruchi

Ruchi Wali is an experienced business consultant and a hopeful Conservative Party nomination candidate for Member of Parliament. Her candidacy displays her commitment to the community’s well-being, and her career demonstrates her qualifications.

Ruchi has over 20 years of global business experience, an MBA from De Montfort University, United Kingdom and a unique approach to solving the community’s problems. Her active community service involvement and impressive resume make her an ideal candidate. Ruchi has worked with the Pickering Culture Committee and volunteered throughout the province. She has shown a genuine interest in positive change.

Ruchi’s vision for Pickering-Brooklin includes traditional values to overcome Canadian challenges. She is devoted to improving healthcare, education, employment, the economy, taxes, and bail reform to restore balance and trust in the law and order system.

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Ruchi's primary goals

Ruchi Wali is committed to being the voice of the community. Pickering-Brooklin can experience positive change and exceptional opportunities by supporting and voting for her. Let’s work together to support Ruchi’s nomination for the Member of Parliament candidate from the Conservative Party of Canada.

Economic Growth

Implementing policies that encourage business development; attract investments and create a conducive environment. This will be achieved through a combination of tax reforms; regulatory simplification; infrastructure investment; and a focus on developing a skilled workforce.

Tax Relief

Implementing income tax reforms; simplifying tax system and fair taxation policies; that benefit the working-class individuals and businesses to address wealth inequality. The overarching goal is to create a tax system that not only fosters economic growth but also brings fairness and equity for all Canadians.

Affordable Housing

Implementing innovative housing solutions; building incentive-based matrix for builders encouraging them in getting more keys-in-doors and removing gatekeepers & red tape. This will create a housing landscape that is responsive to the diverse needs of Canadians and fosters thriving, inclusive communities.

Healthcare and Wellness

Implementing comprehensive healthcare solutions and policies that champion overall mental health and wellness. This includes increased funding for wellness initiatives, streamlining certification processes for foreign-trained doctors and nurses, and embracing technology to improve healthcare accessibility and delivery. Addressing healthcare workforce shortages is also crucial to ensure that all individuals receive timely and effective care.

Senior Care

Prioritizing senior care through reforms in long-term care and increased funding for initiatives that support older adults. Collaborating with municipal and city authorities to plan and approve new senior homes that are in close proximity to and well-connected with hospitals and healthcare facilities will further enhance the accessibility and quality of care for seniors. These efforts aim to ensure that older adults receive the comprehensive care and support they need in a timely and efficient manner.

Nuclear Power and Canada's Energy Future

Be a strong advocate for nuclear energy, particularly for the further development of the Darlington small modular reactor (SMR), and champion technology over taxes. Engage with industry experts, communities, and the younger generation to enhance and expand nuclear power and reinforce the importance of nuclear innovations for Canada's future.

Public Safety

Implementing policies to strengthen law enforcement; to keep repeat violent offenders behind bar; to combat human trafficking and ensuring accountability in our communities through increased funding. This will be achieved by legislative measures; victim support programs and leveraging technology and international cooperation to address complex challenges in the realm of public safety and justice.

Parent Rights

Advocating for parent rights to empower parents in their children's education while prioritizing the critical role STEM education plays in preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st-century economy.

Cleanliness and Environmental Responsibility

Enhance community cleanliness by improving waste management, expanding recycling initiatives, and increasing public awareness. These efforts will create healthier living spaces and contribute to the long-term sustainability of our environment.

Meet the People

Community Outreach